on tour since 2021
Indoor show
To see with family, young audience and school, from 5 to 123 years old
Duration: 47mn
Stage performance: Acrobatics on structure, acro ball and electric monowheel

The show
To the Stars! is a show that tickles our old dreams of astronauts, weightlessness and space adventure in infinite space ... Up there in the universe, in the heart of a huge planetarium, two accomplices hang stars and planets to fill the space of the sky. Around a whirling cosmic machine, a sort of makeshift astrolabe, they do their job as best they can, preparing for the big takeoff. They take us on their adventures, from challenges to acrobatics, wandering through the marvelous and the fantastic, like improbable cosmic clowns.
“Apart from childhood and oblivion, there is only grace that can console you for existing.” Eugene Ionesco
Fascinated by unusual apparatus, the Cirque Hirsute reinvents its acrobatics on monumental structures or atypical diverted objects such as gyroroues and yoga balls. Our cosmic trebuchet brings a work of hypnotic and extremely sensitive balance, close to tightrope walking.
Our techniques: Balance on structure, acrobatics on gyroroue, acro-ball, chair training ...
Childhood is a time when learning takes place at an unequaled speed, where the faculty to imagine, to scaffold ideas and to associate images by giving them a meaning works at full intensity. This is a moment that lends itself ideally to contemplation, humor and the observation of human comedy, and it is the one that we have chosen to design this new spectacle.
To the Stars! offers an aesthetic, almost iconic setting in a poetic universe with futuristic allures. The scenes will in turn stimulate the imagination, surprise, blossom in laughter, but also stretch time and appease through more captivating or contemplative scenes. Set in the stars, spectators discover a mischievous and whimsical story that invites us to laugh and to undermine our human condition in the great cosmic ballet.